I KNOW, I Know, I know…

I KNOW, I Know, I know…

I’ve been away for a while. But now I’m officially “retired” from work. No more STRESS!!! I’m really gonna miss the people I work with.

I’m trying to get organized and set up in my home office. Dad has built me a huge desk with lots of room underneath for the wheelchair. It has an L-shape to it and will take up a large part of the office. I want it to be a one stop entertainment shop. I’ll have my PS3/Blue-Ray player, my computer, my monitor, a dvd player, and my stereo on it.

I will be doing a HELL of a lot of writing. Side note here: it’s amazing how fast the day goes by when you’re watching TV. So now that I have caught up with my favorite TV shows, it is now time to be productive.

This blog will be about my experiences with ALS (as I write this, my left hand doesn’t want to type). We’ll talk about how beautiful life really is. I’ll put in some snippets of short stories I am working on as well as other writing projects. And then sometimes, I will just talk about stuff – there’s a lot of “stuff” out there so be warned. I think I will enjoy writing on this blog because it will give me a break from the formality and restraint of what I hope will be very well-written prose. I’ll try to make my grammar proper in this blog but I’m not promising nothing (how’s that for a double-negative).

I am excited about “retiring.” I really do believe my best days of life both spiritually and creatively are ahead of me. ALS will take away my ability to move, it will take away my smile, it will take away my breathing, but this disease CANNOT TOUCH MY SOUL!!!! It cannot touch my ability to love and to be loved. It cannot touch my passion for reading and writing. It will not touch my obsession and love for music. I will not give up. I will fight to the very last. There is so much to live for! And I will live each day to its fullest.

I love you guys! Thank you for your support!

Kipling A. Jackson

3 Replies to “I KNOW, I Know, I know…”

  1. Hi Kip – thanks so much for blogging your journey! I look forward to reading it. My husband was diagnosed with ALS in February of 2011 and I also document it on a blog and it’s been very therapeutic for me to get my thoughts out in words. I have an awesome group of ALS wives that communicate via facebook and email if your wife is interested. Bless you – we are standing with you in the fight!


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